Design Principles - Task 3: Design



|| 7th March - 20th March
|| Kek Han Shin, 0352571
|| Design Principles
Task 3: Design

Task 3 Details

🔰Task 3: Design (40% Individual)
In this task, I have to produce an original work of design, inspired/influenced by the poster I have chosen in Task 2. Also I must have to at least implement a few design principles.

🔰Learning Goal
  • To apply and communicate the knowledge and understanding of design principles through a work of design with a purpose.
  • To organize and synthesize written and visual outputs into a final blog.
Week 6 – Week 7

More details listed Module Information Booklet (MIB)⬇

Chosen Design Poster

🐟Greenpeace No Plastic, by Salih Kızılkaya

Title: Greenpeace No Plastic
Artist: Salih Kızılkaya
Year: November 24th 2018
Size: N/A
Medium: Poster/Photoshop
Source: LINK
Chosen poster-themed SDG14
🐟Design Principle
  • symbol
  • contrast & emphasis
  • repetition


Visual Reference

I started the process by finding visual references, by extending the original artwork from project 2, I was looking for designs that has a focused object, are more minimalistic and have strong contrast, so that the message delivered can be impactful.

There are few ideas in my mind, hence I searched for visual references under different styles.

Version 1: Deforestation
visual reference 1:LINK
visual reference 2 LINK
visual reference 3, LINK
I like that the visuals are simplistic but also deliver a clear message. I especially like the second picture of wood bleeding, it reminds the viewers that trees are also living, and cutting them is painful too.

Version 2: Ocean
Secondly, I wanted to tackle ocean pollution, so I went to search for inspiration and was particularly interested in few artworks. I like the emphasis on the living creatures, in the midst of cluttering trash, it gives viewer to wonder, what it feels like to have a home that is full of trash?
Visual Reference 4, LINK
Visual Reference 5, LINK

Initial sketch

I started with a very very rough sketch....... Based on the references my idea is to have minimal color selection, contrasting colours
#1 sketch, a focal animal stuck in a polluted sea
#2 sketch, contrasting a fallen tree, using red to indicate blood shed body
#3 sketch, the idea is to link hand(part of human) with tree(part of nature)

After a round of feedback, I realized I have to start thinking of the execution part :") Realizing my skills are very limited in terms of neither software nor drawing skills. Besides, continue refining my sketches I have to think of a solution so my ideas can be executed?

Hence, I started with hours of fundamental video tutorials...
Some of the few videos that really helped me:

Youtube tutorial on how to draw 
Find myself delving into color theory and composition too...
Studying basic colour theory...

At the end I really learnt a lot of basics such as brushes, how to use Procreate (properly), color (hue, saturation, value, brightness, etc). It is a stressful but rewarding process as I really understand a lot basic concepts, but at the same time I still am uncertain will I actually complete the requirements.

Development (#1 artwork)

initial sketch:
#1 sketch

The idea is to have focus point on one sea turtle, and swimming in an ocean of polluted trash. As I continue to develop, I suddenly thought of movie Wall-E - an apocalypse by world of trash. Hence I went to continue dig on the mood and coloring
movie poster reference as color moodboard

I think for coherency I wanted the trash to be within same hue, but different brightness
Color pallete used

I wanted to have 3 layering effect, mimicking ocean waves, but the water is also in brown.
Developing the rough structure
Laying out rough structure
Sketching and coloring trash and turtle:
Drawing trash and garbages

Finishing up with the background:
For font, I referred to finding nemo font title,
Finding nemo inspiration?

Adding turtle and font.
#1 sketch first version is done!

Development (#2 artwork)

I wanted to further develop deforestation posters, for this, I wanted to go for a more minimalistic but also leave a more striking visual using very contrasting colours.

Based on the reference I found, the idea I currently have in mind, is a hand shaped tree, being cut
Rough sketch:
New sketch extending #3 initial sketch

Besides I slot in a QR code as the idea behind is: QR code for me is a symbol of consumerism, whenever people buy things there are always QR code involved, hence I was thinking can I further develop the idea.
Handrawn the QR with reference image:
Using reference to line out QR code
Further, I utilized the distort function in Procreate and make it looking like its "cutting the tree"

Refining the hand...
Quite interesting
The end it feels like something is still lacking, tree has leaves, hence I have to add some branches
Literally searched "how to draw trees"
Hand is almost done
Last outcome:
2nd designing work (Week 6)
After a round of feedback, Mr Zeon told me I had actually mistaken the requirement, it had to be tied with the artwork I had chosen from the last project, I had no choice but to discard this version 🤡 Although I personally like this design

Continue with #1 artwork...

Continuing with the first artwork I do realise there's room for improvement, hence I started off with my focal animal
Pinterest is my best friend
I decided to go with shark whales after doing some research on how they are related to ocean pollution, it would enhance my visual and also the meaning behind it.
Starting with a rough sketch, and refining it
Whale shark sketch and coloring
Finally done @@ I used bright blue colour to the shark's body, as my background would be polluted brown colour, clean ocean is bright in blue, hence I wanted to put a hint that the whale represents the search for clean ocean
Completed sketch!
When inserting the shark into the polluted ocean, I used brightness and saturation adjustments to make the shark appear glowing and enhance the contrast of its purity with the background.
Adding adjustments
When inserting the shark into the polluted ocean, I used brightness and saturation adjustments to make the shark appear glowing and enhance the contrast of its purity with the background.

Last but not least, is to add the title! I wanted to extend the reference to my selected poster. Surprisingly this is more challenging as Mr. Zeon told me to not use the Finding Nemo font... And I couldn't find a typography that fits.
Failed attempts

I decided to use Helvetica Nueu, but just adding the font itself doesn't deliver the effect I want. Hence I made adjustments to the font by distorting the font. Also I suddenly had the idea of recoloring the font, into clean ocean texture, that corresponds to shark!
making adjustments, and make the "finding" stands out

Chosen SDG 14 Design Outcome

🐟finding HOME, by Kek Han Shin

Medium: Poster/Procreate
Final design work - "finding HOME"

This artwork presented vertically, shows a whale shark with majestic form wandering in a sea of human waste. I used a constant hue with different shades for the trash floating and the ocean body, producing different browns, this is inspired by Wall-E, the hopeless world filled with debris and trash. Also, inspired by the chosen reference poster, I used three distinct layers within the ocean of trash, each layer with slightly different brightness to produce a visual layering and depth effect.

As this is an awareness poster, I wanted to use the contrast between the shark and the sea to catch viewers' attention and understand the message immediately. Hence, only blue and brown are used. For the title, I intentionally make "HOME" correspond to the colour of the shark's body - ocean colour, which is where it's true home is, instead of trash piles. The design principles used here are contrast (using colours), and emphasis (centred shark, with glowing brushed area surrounding)

By using colour and composition to create a sense of conflict, it delivers a call for action, urging society to protect these magnificent creatures and their natural habitat. 

Total: 189 words


✍🏼Week 6
- Sketches should be more refined
- If there are problems encountered in drawing, can try other medium approaches like collage or Illustration
- The tree sketch idea is decent

✍🏼Week 7
- The design should have the constant SDG from the last projects
- I shouldn't use the exact same typography with existing movies
- Turtle might be common, can try other marine animals instead
- Contrast is nice, but the blank shape of turtle looked bland

Further Reading

The 8 types of graphic design you need to know
Mila Jones Cann

The article identifies and explain 8 main types of graphic design:

⚫Visual identity
This refers to the visual elements that identify a brand, such as logos, colors, and typography.

Marketing & advertising
This type of graphic design is used to create marketing materials that promote products, services, or ideas.

User interface (UI) design
This focuses on designing the interfaces of websites and applications to ensure they are user-friendly and visually appealing.

Publication design
This covers the design of magazines, newspapers, books, and other printed materials.

Packaging design
This involves creating the packaging for products, which should be both informative and visually appealing.

Motion graphics
This type of graphic design involves creating animations and motion graphics for use in videos, presentations, and other media.

Environmental graphic design
This focuses on designing graphics for physical spaces, such as signage, wayfinding systems, and murals.

Art and illustration
This type of graphic design can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating illustrations for books and magazines, or designing fine art prints.

The 8 types of graphic design you need to know
Mila Jones Cann

Key Considerations for Effective Posters:

  • Size and Placement:
    • Consider where the poster will be displayed (public spaces, online) and choose an appropriate size for clear visibility.
  • Orientation:
    • Vertical or horizontal orientation depends on the content and desired impact.
  • Design Principles:
    • Utilize principles like hierarchy, balance, emphasis, and contrast for a visually appealing and clear message.
    • Consider white space (empty areas) as an important design element.

Anatomy of a Great Poster:

  • Headline/Title:
    • Should be clear, concise, and grab attention.
  • Visuals:
    • Images, illustrations, or photographs should be high quality and relevant to the message.
  • Body Copy:
    • Keep text concise, using bullet points or short sentences for easy readability.
  • Call to Action (CTA):
    • If desired, include a clear and specific call to action (e.g., "Visit our website").
  • Branding:
    • Include relevant logos, colors, or fonts to represent the organization or event.

Tips for Creating Powerful Posters:

Define Your Goal
Keep it Simple
Use High-Quality Image
Consider Color Psychology
Test and Refine


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